The big weekend is here!
No, not because the San Francisco 49ers are playing the Kansas City Chiefs in Superbowl LVIII in Las Vegas! No, not because they are expecting 70,000+ people to be at the game and at least 110 million people to watch the game on some sort of screen! No, not because people are expected to put $23.1 billion (with a b!) on the line in bets! No, not because estimates indicate that 1.45 billion (yet again, with a b!) chicken wings will be eaten on Sunday! No, not because advertisers will pay $7 million for a 30-second commercial! No, not because all eyes will be on Tay-Tay in a luxury box and her boyfriend Travis on the field!
The big weekend is here because it is World Marriage Day, Mardi Gras, and our first Discipleship Weekend! Since Christmas, we have been learning together about a stewardship approach to life and faith. The big weekend is here because we are going to celebrate all the commitments made by adult and CI and CII (high school) members who have already completed their Grateful Discipleship Commitment Form, whether it be on paper or online! The big weekend is here because we are going to invite everyone who has not already done so to complete a Commitment Form. The big weekend is here because we are going to celebrate taking the first step in embracing stewardship as a way of life for Catholics and Catholic parishes!
This is an opportunity to renew parish life post-pandemic by taking an active role in the growth of our parishes and for each parishioner to practice the principle of stewardship — giving back a portion of our blessings (time, talent, and treasure) to God. Grateful Discipleship Online Commitment Form: