“God is love and he who abides in love, abides in God, and God abides in him” - 1 John 4:16
On a beautiful sunny afternoon in September, 2016, my husband Bob and I, along with our family and some close friends arrived at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in the south end of Boston. Cardinal Sean O’Malley had extended an invitation to all married couples in the Archdiocese Celebrating their 25th and 50th anniversary that year, to come together in this beautiful church to renew our marriage vows and receive his blessings. We did not hesitate to accept his invitation.
The cathedral has always held a special place in my heart . It recently underwent (2019) an extensive renovation and is more beautiful than ever . I was overwhelmed with the beauty and vastness of the church as we entered the front doors. The buzz of the crowd, in anticipation of the arrival of Cardinal Sean was audible as we made our way in and found our pews as close to the main altar as we could get.
The choir filled the air with beautiful music .
"Love is patient and kind…Love does not insist on its own way; It is not irritable or resentful"
- 1 Corinthians 13:4-5
The above verse from St. Paul to the Corinthians sums up the many lessons a couple 50 years married must practice over and over again.
Bob and I were fortunate to have a very strong foundation of faith handed down to us from our parents. We grew up with the sacraments and our religion became part of our everyday lives. On the day of our wedding, at a candlelight nuptial ceremony at Gate of Heaven church in South Boston, Bob and I vowed before God and our family and friends to love one another and accept the gift of children into our lives.
Here in the cathedral, 50 years later, looking back ,over all those years, I realized raising six children was not an easy task. But we did it together, with the help of God, all along the way and today we are so grateful for the opportunity we were given to pass our love of God and our Catholic faith to our daughters and sons and their children.
As we stood hand and hand before God and the entire congregation in this beautiful Cathedral with Cardinal Sean leading us in the renewal of these sacred vows we were filled with gratitude to experience that same love peace and joy that we had on our wedding day 50 years earlier.

“Love bears all things, believes all things, Hopes all things, endures all things”
- 1 Corinthians 13:7
This fall, on October 29, the annual Anniversary Mass is again taking place at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. Bob and I would like to encourage those of you who are celebrating a milestone anniversary to take advantage of this invitation to receive “A Very Special Blessing”and experience the love, peace and joy that we did on that day.
Maureen and Bob Kane
To register for the upcoming wedding aniversary Mass or to learn more, reach out to the collaborative office at
[email protected] or 781- 383-0219 ext. 10.
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