Matrimony, like Holy Orders, is a sacrament that consecrates for a particular mission in building up the Church.
"The matrimonial covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole life, is by its nature ordered to the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring: this covenant between baptized persons has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament."
-Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) 1601
Congratulations on your decision to marry. We are happy that you will exchange your vows in our parish.
Weddings are special, joyful times for couples, for their families and friends, and for the parish community. The Church welcomes you to celebrate your marriage in a setting in which you are accustomed to worship as Catholics. For us, as believing Catholics, matrimony is a sacrament, a visible sign of God’s invisible blessings and of the Lord’s presence in our lives.
Great care is taken to see that the prayers for this special moment are reverent, graceful, and open to the movement of God’s spirit among us. Whenever sacraments are celebrated, an important place is given to the Scriptures so that we can be nourished and strengthened by God’s Word. We celebrate the sacraments as a community and invite our brothers and sisters to join us and ask for their prayerful support. The presence of our relatives and friends allows us to celebrate with joy and thanksgiving.
Since we are celebrating the Sacrament of Matrimony and not simply “having a wedding,” we provide the following information for celebrating that special moment in your lives.
It is presumed that at least one member of the engaged couple is a practicing Catholic and a registered parishioner in the collaborative. A practicing Catholic is a person who believes in and lives by the tenets of the Catholic faith, i.e., attends Mass each week and frequently receives the Sacrament of Penance.
Recently issued copies (within six months of the marriage) of the Baptismal and Confirmation records for Catholic couples or individual must be aquired. The copies of the certificates may be obtained from the parishes where the sacraments were administered. Normally, parishes will send these directly to our office when requested. Non-Catholics who are baptized are also asked to bring a copy of their Baptismal or Christening record.
As noted above, you should contact the parish at least 6 months prior to your planned wedding date.
Most couples will meet with our pastor to beging the planning process, ensure they are free to marry in the Church, and walk them through the rest of the process. At this point they will begin to complete the necessary forms and to make preparations for the actual celebration itself.
When it is determined who is celebrating your marriage ceremony or Mass. you may meet with the priest or deacon as part of your preparation. This step varies based on the priest or deacon.
If you are from within the Archdiocese, but not from our parish, we are happy to accommodate you when possible. A letter of permission from the pastor of parishes other than our own must be presented when the paperwork is initiated.
If you are from outside of the Archdiocese, then your home diocese will be involved in your preparation. We can guide you through this process.
Matrimony is a Sacrament; therefore the Catholic couple should plan to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) shortly before the marriage day. Our priests are happy to meet with you for Reconciliation but you can go elsewhere.
This is encouraged as it brings you into a state of grace and closer union with God, which prepares you for the reception of matrimony.
It is necessary that you arrange for your music ministers after you have set your wedding date with the parish priest. The parish priest will put you in touch with the muscian. Music selections must be made according to the Archdiocesan Guidelines which simply put are “Church music in church, and non-church music elsewhere.”
You may request that the music be provided by musicians not of our parish. In this latter case, all arrangements must still be made through the parish. However, all financial arrangements between you and the music minister(s) are to be handled directly and not through the arranging priest. The diocesan policy requires that the parish organist be used. If a different organist is used, the usual compensation must still be made to the parish organist. Typically, music is used at the following parts of the Wedding Mass:
The sacrament of matrimony can be celebrated in a ceremony by itself or in the context of a Mass. Normally, it is only a ceremony if one of the espoused is Catholic. The priest will guide you through making this selection.
For the safety of you, your family and friends, please refrain from using/throwing rose petals, rice, confetti, or anything else inside the church.
You may wish to provide flowers for the sanctuary for your wedding. Two floral bouquets are normally sufficient. Flowers may be taken from the church following the wedding if you so desire, or you can leave them as a gift to buetify the sanctuary.
To avoid slipping and falling (and we've seen it happen!), please refrain from using a runner for the church. Bows, etc. on pew ends are allowed and should be fastened by ribbon or clamps. Sticky materials may damage the pews. Please do give your florist a heads up on this (even though they are probably already aware of this for most churches).
Most couples like to have a remembrance of their wedding ceremony. However, we make every effort to make sure that your wedding ceremony is in every way possible a spiritual experience of faith. We will work with you and your videographer on details.
If you have a relative or close friend who is a priest or deacon and you would like to have him witness your marriage, you are most welcome to do so. Please discuss this with the parish priest so that the necessary permissions, both legal and ecclesiastical, can be obtained.
If one of the parties is a member of a Protestant Church, his or her minister is most welcome to be a participant in the wedding ceremony. Particulars can be worked out with the priest arranging the wedding ceremony.
Weddings are stypically scheduled on Saturdays between 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM.
There is a Parish Mass at 5:30 PM on Saturday.
Friday Evening or Sunday weddings can also be arranged.
Yes, you need a marriage license.
You must obtain a license issued by any town or city in Massachusetts within 30 days of your wedding. Please bring this to your rehearsal.
Following the wedding, the license is returned to the city/town hall from which it was obtained. Should you need a copy of the marriage certificate, one may be obtained from the Pastoral Center.
Register in your parish as soon as possible after your wedding. You are now a new family, and it will be your responsibility to register in the parish where you will be living, whether it is at St. Anthony Parish or elsewhere. As a Catholic family, you receive a call and a challenge. “The laity are gathered together in the People of God and make up the Body of Christ under one Head…. They are called upon, as living members, to expend all their energy for the growth of the Church and its continuous sanctification.” (Dogmatic Constitution of the Church.)
It is customary to offer a donation to the church on the occasion of the celebration of marriage. Ability to pay is not an obstacle to a wedding in the Church. If you have any questions about the fees, please speak with Fr. Scott Euvrard.
Please click the button below for our fee schedule.
Wedding Fees